Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Lost Puppy Finds A Home. . . In New Jersey?

This sweet looking puppy was seen by my brother and my dad while they were going to the church to play basketball. While they were driving out of the neighborhood they saw him on the side of the road.
 On their way back home later that night they saw the puppy in the same spot, so they stopped the car to check its tag and it quickly jumped in the car with them. 
This is the lost puppy. We named him Rudy and bought him a collar before finding him a new home.

The puppy did not have a tag so we put a post on Craigslist, called the local Humane Society, called animal shelters, etc.  In the meantime we kept him in our yard with our other two dogs, four cats and 13 chickens while we tried to find his owners. (We live on ten acres of land!) We probably would have kept him except that he kept chasing our chickens.  He seriously wounded one named Lila plus he injured another chicken named Diana.  We even ended up taking one of the chickens to the vet! Both chickens recovered long ago and are still alive and well, but only after lots of time, money and effort.

After more than a month we finally got serious about finding a home for him. We found someone in New jersey that takes homeless pets and finds homes for them.  (More money to have him sent up there.)


From all of this we learned that all the animal shelter's in our area were full to over-flowing and that when the economy is struggling many pets are just abandoned because people aren't able to afford to care for them.  

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