Saturday, November 30, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

When we were making the roles I had an idea to sculpt a turkey.   

In the end the turkey ended up wearing black shoes.  :)

The batch the turtle was in ended up getting burnt, but it made the turtle shell look more life like.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Lost Puppy Finds A Home. . . In New Jersey?

This sweet looking puppy was seen by my brother and my dad while they were going to the church to play basketball. While they were driving out of the neighborhood they saw him on the side of the road.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Cool cats around the world

I love cats and love their beautiful colors.

The Siberian tiger is the world's largest cat. Adult males may reach more than 112 inches length. It's coat is shaggier and paler than the Bengal tiger's, equipping it for icy northeast Asia. The Siberian tiger