Monday, September 29, 2014

Animals in the Philippines

This is one of my brothers, Brooks. He's in the Philippines. I asked him to send pictures of animals recently. He still hasn't had a chance yet, but he did send these before I even asked him...just for fun.
I think this is a ferret.

Brooks and his companion.
Two dogs and a pig.
Young boy on caribou.

Another caribou taking swim.
Two more!
Such clean sand. (These last few don't have animals in them but are just pictures my brother sent that I love. :))

The water is so clear and pretty.
Beautiful rainbow.
Sunset time...good night!
(click HERE to read more about his experiences in the Philippines)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Orange Spotted Turtle!!

Isn't this orange spotted turtle COOL!?!

We are always finding these kinds of Turtles. :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

From A Chick To A Chicken

What chicken OR chick doesn't LOVE a good dirt-bath!?!

Everyday when I let them out, there food bowl is empty so I refill it.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Fluffy's Chicks

Just yesterday Fluffy's baby chicks hatched!! We did the same thing we did with Soft except this time we traded eggs with our neighbor who has TWO roosters. After 21 days six out of the seven eggs hatched! 
(These top two photos are when they just hatched and still more were hatching.)

These photos were taken today.

Soft's Chicks

Two years ago Soft wanted to have chicks, so we traded six eggs for six eggs with our friends because they had a rooster in hopes they were fertilized.
Only two hatched and we named them Snowball and Redbeack. They were both roosters! They were always mating and they always hurt the hens when they mated, so we gave them away.

We had them when they were adults but we apparently didn't get any pictures when they were older.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Riding Lessons

I LOVE horses there my FAVORITE Animal, in fact our neighborhood is full of them, we have a neighbor who does horse lessons. These are some photos of me.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Mothers day!

It was Mothers day! Soft is a Mother because she hatched two chicks. 

Rosie had Emily.
Issy had two kittens.